The day of St.Lucia is on December 13, but I want to do this give away now so the winner can get it’s packed in time for St.Lucia day.
I celebrate Christmas and I celebrate St.Lucia, I am not catholic but the Lucia tradition is strong here. I also like the Lucia celebrating, it is not about what am I going to get, but what can I do for others.
How it is celebrated here in Norway.
Santa Lucia is celebrated on December 13th. It is usually celebrated with a girl dressed in a white gown with a red sash or glitter belt, wearing an evergreen wreath with candles on her head. She is followed by a number of girl attendants, also dressed in white with one candle in there hand. The boys, "star-boys", also participate in the ceremony. They too are dressed in white gowns and they wear pointed hats and a stick with a star on.
At home:
The Lucia (the oldest girl in the family) wakes up her family by bringing a tray of coffee/tea and sweet-buns called "lussekatter"- translates to Lucia’s Cats. It is also custom to share lussekatter with the closes neighbours if they don’t have children.
The oldest children in the kindergarten 5-6 years old have a candlelight parade. They sing carols and give away lussekatter. The younger children and all the parents are invited to come and look at the parade. The parade then goes of to a retirement home, where they sing and give away some more lussekatter. The people there thank the Queen of Light, Lucia, for bringing hope during the darkest time of the year.
The youngest children at the school have a candlelight parade. They sing carols and give away lussekatter to the other students.
In some towns:
Offices and communities sponsor candlelight parades in the evening, in which carols are sung.
There is often an early Lucia breakfast this day.
The give away.
1. I want you to go to a blog you like, preferably a blog that do not get a lot (thousands) of comments.
2. Find a post on the blog you chose and say something NICE! in the comments.
3. Come back here and add a link to the post you commented on.
4. I will draw a winner on the 22 of November, check the comment you made and email you for your mailing address and send the packed on its way.
You are more than welcome to blog about this in your own blog, but it is not obligated!
There are so many wonderful bloggers out there giving a lot of them self. It is nice to get some feedback that people appreciate it. Those who read the comments may find a good blog. You will feel better knowing you have done something kind.
The price
3 stamps; Lucia, star-boy and nisse
1 box neocolorII, watersoluble
7 sheet of Christmas paper
1 bee wax
3 paints, black, gray, white
20 white pon-pons balls
3 blue glass harts
100 black glass pearls
60 white plastic pearls
Ribbons; 1 m gold diamond , 2 m deep blue, 2 m red 2 m beige with gold stars.
1 bunt white and red string.
If the mail goes there I will send it to you, no matter where you are in the world! The postage is pretty much the same where ever you are.
23.11.08 The give away is now closed, but keep posting those NICE comments on blogs you like, you will feel better knowing you have done something kind.