Saturday, 23 January 2010

IF - clumsy

IF - clumsy - ewian

It wasn't that he was nervous and had misplaced his glasses that made him clumsy, but the fact he was wearing a tie for his first date...

This weeks word for illustration Friday is clumsy.

Medium used: watercolours, watercolour pencil, watersoluble waxpastel, permanent marker and acrylic on watercolour paper.


Pat said...

Aw, poor fella...I can relate!

gatheringwonder said...

ah - hate when that happens - great illustration

lisa mertins said...

at least the boy has a great tie! fun interpretation of the word prompt.

Artsnark said...

Love this!! Great color & cute idea

Kathleen Rietz said...

very good!

my profile said...

cute idea!

Yuliya said...

I love your style! Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I've just had a look at your blog and paintings and illustrations. How wonderful they seem to me. How soft too! So peaceful, so quiet and well-balanced. Thanks for visiting my blog and having let me a comment that made be able to visit yours.

Ellen Byrne said...

whoops! i really like this! bravo!

Eugenia Gina said...

oh dear.. poor boy! :D

Cloudberry said...

Ja det er artig å se at vi er flere fra Norge :) Selv er jeg ikke så god til å tegne, men prøver å finne på noe som ungene kan være med på og ;)

Jeg bor i midt troms, og nå er det ikke lenge før sola er her!

Sueann said...

Oh I can so relate!! I usually "throw" food on my chest!! LOL!

Carol said...

I hope he gets a second date. So cute! Great I.F.!