I have been tagged by Brenda at http://thecraftychook.blogspot.com
To be tagged is both positive and negative. On the positive side it is a honour that somebody wants to know more about you, the negative is when you pass the tag along on it's way you are asking people to share more than they usually do, not all find this charming and you have to find 6 new people to tag.
To give the ones I am tagging a positive feeling I have made them an actually tag. See picture above. If they answer the tag and send me there snail-mail address I will send it to them.
To the ones that I am tagging, you can send your snali-mail adress to this mail; ewianblog (at) gmail. com DO NOT PUT IT IN THE COMMENT! If you don't want to share your mail address that is fine, your choice how much you want to tell other people. Just remember the tag is made for you. I hope all of you will play along this tag!
Random facts:
1. I love books! I hoard them and read them. My childhood dream was to have a house large enough to have a library. My studio doubles up as a library! AND is is wonderful!
2. I am a audio learner. I listens to pod casts, radio or audio books. When I drive and when I work, it is a grate way for me to multi task. I am one of those people that listen to the text of the song, and if it is no good I prefer silence....
3. My favourite thing to do with my friends and family is playing board games, all can play along, age and level don't matter!
4. I collect postcards, also the ones that have no writing on the back.
5. I vote! It is my opinion if you don't vote you have no right to complain! This does not apply to children that do not have the opportunity to vote.
6. My favourite pie is pumpkin-pie, maybe because I only get a hold of pumpkins ones a year. I have a suspicion that chocolate pie would come very high up if I ever tasted it.
If you want to know more, I made a mosaic meme you can read more here http://ewian.blogspot.com/2008/07/mosaic-about-me.html
O.K here goes, all of these people is somebody I want to know more about.
1. The blog is new, but I know the owner, a mixed media artist with an eye for detail http://artsnark.blogspot.com
2. Not so many posts yet but I like what I see http://anniesbasement.blogspot.com
3. Broad virayety of motives in the drawings good reading too http://cordeliasartplace.blogspot.com
4. Soft pictures and if you have not read the post about "blogastinate" it is recommended http://hammeredplayer.blogspot.com
5. Good mix of community, art and vintage posts http://bonniebluedenim.blogspot.com
6. Shares her experiences and techniques in making her art http://mystele.blogspot.com
The rules:
1. Link to the person or persons who tagged you.
2. Post the rules on your blog.
3. Write six random things about yourself.
4. Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5. Let each person know they’ve been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
EWian, so glad you were able to play along. Great idea about making a tag for the players! You might start a new trend there. I enjoyed finding out more about you - I'm with you on the chocolate pie!
Hi, Ewian! Thanks so much for visiting me at my blog--so nice to meet you and find your creative space here! Great tag, fun to learn about you. And I'm with you on the pumpkin pie...my favorite too! I look forward to visiting here again, and seeing your journaling project develop. I've been wanting to get back to fine art for a while now, and hope to begin more painting/drawing again after the New Year. Happy Days :o)
Hello! I love books too and am a big fan of audio. You're right- it's good for multi tasking. I took a look through your blog and really enjoyed your illustrations. The swim team was so much fun and I loved the bunnies.
Hi EWian, thanks for the tag! I'm glad to learn more about you, too. I also like books and boardgames. Origianl Monopoly is one of my favorites. I will play along and post some fascinating facts about myself later today ;)
Hi Ewian. Thanks for inviting me to play - I had to smile at your list. I too am a booklover. And I listen to audiobooks & lectures (while going through my vintage postcard collection). And I work for a boardgame company....Seriously :D
Hi EWian, Thanks for the tag. Such a fun idea I will play along as I have a bit of time now to participate. I love, love love 'Dancing With Knitting Needles'. It truly makes me smile as I am a knitter myself. I very much enjoy the playfulness in your art. I will link back to you on my blog
thank you so much for the tag, and forgive me for being so slow to reply. i'm NOT a good tagger, but i will get around to it eventually! take care!
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