200 blog posts! Hooray!
I started the blog in August 2007, but was unsure what to do with a blog. I knew I wanted to share part of my creative life. Then came the big question; was I blogging in English or Norwegian? The next blog post was not until the beginning of April the following year where I still was not sure about the language, but had by when decided that if I should have a blog, I just had to start. My feeling was that if I should have a blog, I had to say something, not just post pictures. After a chat with an English speaking friend, the decision came to me, it should be in English. I should at least try. The point of the blog was, after all to share, and most people in Norway are able to read English. Within a week the first real blog post was out on the net. It was an illustration,
IF - save made for the Illustration Friday's challenge. There have been a lot of illustrations and little education material which was the first I created and shared online through my own website
www.ewian.com (who finally gets a renovation these days). The linguistic challenge is still one of the largest. It is easy to explain techniques and share in Norwegian, but when English is not a language I speak, other than the occasionally holiday use, it is difficult to learn new terms and practice them correct. Getting enough language extension and enrichment is a challenge. It should be noted that the feedback that I have received inspire me to continue blogging. So far, there have been 200 blog posts. Thanks for your support!
The illo is made for this little anniversary. Mediums used: pencil, watercolours, permanent marker, stamp and ink pad.